Day 17/100 Collage Tags

Four more collage tags for the junk journal project.

It took a lot of cutting and tearing before anything wanted to fit together tonight.

I decided it would be okay to just get some prep work done then all of a sudden a few pieces looked like they wanted to be paired up so, Yay! I got to play with the glue too!!

The “You & Me Mom” book was great – all round good images, paper and colors.

I also used a calendar, an old Christmas craft book and one of my favorites lately – a Greek sculpture book, which I noticed is a discard from the Calgary Public Library…meaning I’ve been carrying it around for 18 years or so! I knew it would come in handy 😏🙄

Day 13/100 – Pocket Pages

Another Eileen Watson pocket tutorial today. Old books, gluing, inking and sewing.

I got a couple done then spent way too long fixing my fave pencil. Sort of fixed…all the while thinking I should just chuck it and do more pockets.

It’s a conundrum, I want to be productive, but I like to fix things and I tend to procrastinate.

It’s all good, two is better than nothing and I’m pretty sure if I wasn’t doing the challenge it would have been none.

Day 9 of 100 Days of the Joyful Creativity Challenge.

Taped spines and gesso on the covers – ✅

Wow, it sure feels good to use some of my supplies and work on a project I’ve been thinking about for months!

I pulled out the modeling paste to stencil on the suns – thankfully it wasn’t completely dried up… 🙄

And I watched a few YouTube videos to help me through the first steps.

Thanks to Marianne Kensington of Pocketful of Vintage on YouTube! She’s got step by step instructions that break it right down 🙏 and instead of one long video she’s broken it down into six short ones – easy to digest.

Feeling unsure what the next step will be on the covers so I’m planning on working on the signatures – maybe the papers will inspire me 😊

The sewing machine is the next thing to get up and running so I can make some fancy pages, pockets and envelopes. I’ve sewn paper in the past with some of my students to make Christmas cards and I love the look so it should be fun!

I have to say, doing the challenge has been a great motivator so far, and I’m really not worrying too much about the outcome of this project which is a nice change.

Day 8 of 100 Day Challenge

Day one of junk journal prep.

I have three books to fill, maybe a little assembly line?

I’ve cut out the old signatures – and of course saved them for use in other projects 😉

I have a VERY large collection of paper for the new signatures already – even some from my dads old stash, so it’s going to be fun to put them together.

My plan is to prime the covers tomorrow and let them dry while I make a few piles of different papers and envelopes etc.

I’ll likely take a look at a YouTube video or two as well and I’ll be sure to share which ones I watch as well…I’d love to watch some now but it’s getting late…

In the past I would have stayed up til the wee hours crafting but I just can’t function as well during the day when I do that now. I never thought I’d see the day when I’d be heading to bed before midnight but that day has arrived!

So – Good night! <3