Day 58 Make Bad Art and Share It.

One of the reasons for doing this challenge was to become okay with making bad art.

Don’t get me wrong, I have always created bad art but lately I have been creating less art so when I do create, it isn’t as good as it would be if I’d been creating more which has made me not want to make art…catch 22!

I haven’t really been able to get “into the zone” and get excited about a project. What I really want to create – a junk journal – gets me feeling stuck because it’s new to me.

I love the idea of mixed media and I have more ephemera than anyone really needs but it’s a struggle to put it together. Maybe I’ve watched too many YouTube tutorials – when I try to make my version it just doesn’t look very good.

So I’m sharing these wonky mandalas – out of balance and poor line work – and that’s okay. Next I will share some bad junk journal pages!

Listening to Laura Horn Art Podcast #76. Dina Wakely – Why its okay to make bad art was helpful too. She suggests we lower our expectations and have fun creating…sounds like a great idea!

Day 57/100 Mandala

wip mandala

My go to when I’m having a hard time with a project – especially a tech project is a mandala.

It’s easy on the mind to make the lines – I’m really happy with how this is looking. It definitely will get some shading at some point!

Websites are a pain in the butt – my difficult project. I don’t know what I’ve done but somehow I can only get in using a random login and password…computer generated, which means it’s not easily memorized.

And I can’t add photos from my phone…everything is much more time consuming this way.

I did get another challenge going at though. A 30 day Challenge to help me learn to let go of some of my stuff. Day one today! At the end of the challenge I will be 465 items lighter – I’m excited about it!

Day 35/100

Tonight – after taking advantage of a beautiful day and working outside on the house, for most of the day – I started a zentangle/mandala doodle while watching “Lost”.

I kept at it until I started dozing off which happens around 9:30 most nights.

I sure miss being able to stay awake until the wee hours working on a project but as I get older it hasn’t really been an option. Acceptance right?

My plan was to work on the junk journal but I really wanted to do something that came more natural and since it’s a joyful creativity challenge, I embrace my choice 😍

Day 7 of 100 day Joyful Creativity

Mandala doodle on book page.

Week one is done!

The biggest accomplishment would have to be getting the website up and running on day one.

What did I learn this week?

I think I’d like to start a project. It was good to muckaround with the wire and origami and mandalas are a fave for me but the randomness wasn’t as rewarding as I’d like.

I’ve been researching junk journals for the last few months and I have pretty much everything I’d ever need to make one (or a thousand!)

I love the idea of using old books, magazines, scrapbooking materials, stickers, stamps, fabric and junk mail to create a a funky journal.

There are some crazy, beautiful, detailed, ephemera filled journals out there in the world. That may be why I haven’t tried to make one yet. It’s a little intimidating!

This is a good time to move past the fear. I have some ideas to make them unique but the first one will be basic so I can get it finished fairly quickly. Hopefully another outcome of the 100 day challenge!

So next week will be about picking a cover, paper and figuring out how many signatures it will take to fill it. I’m feeling pretty excited about it! It’s been on my to do list for a long time 🙂