Day 35/100

Tonight – after taking advantage of a beautiful day and working outside on the house, for most of the day – I started a zentangle/mandala doodle while watching “Lost”.

I kept at it until I started dozing off which happens around 9:30 most nights.

I sure miss being able to stay awake until the wee hours working on a project but as I get older it hasn’t really been an option. Acceptance right?

My plan was to work on the junk journal but I really wanted to do something that came more natural and since it’s a joyful creativity challenge, I embrace my choice 😍

Day 34/100 Joyfully Creating Space

I spent a large portion of the day creating a comfy, cozy, more child friendly space.

It makes a nice little frame for Nia too 😊

The little cutie in the picture is quickly becoming mobile! Scooting around and soooo close to walking!

And of course – curious. She spotted some of my wire supplies and was quick to get over to check it out…I promptly boxed it up.

I think she’ll be the push I need to get organized and hopefully purge – a lot!

Day 29/100 Hidden Paperclips and Signature Papers

I made a few hidden paperclips. Fun but I don’t love them. I definitely need some practice putting papers together. I keep reminding myself this is for fun and to let go of the expectation of “perfection”.

Finally started pulling some pages for a signature. This isn’t for the book covers I started prepping though. I had an idea for a smaller/simpler notebook to get me over my creative block around covers and paper picking and it’s really taken the pressure off. Having a theme is helpful too!

Day 28/100 Prep work

Today was a prep day and I got to use all the tools!

It all started with (finally) getting the door frame ready for paint and primer.

I’ve been using my heat gun and sander for ages while working on the siding of the house but got brave and pulled out the circular saw to even up the top of the tall record cabinet I picked up on marketplace – I’ll be using it for paper 😀

I’m grateful I was assigned a woodwork class a few years ago and amazed I remembered some important safety tips – especially the depth of saw!

The small shelf I’ve had for years and it’ll get spruced up and then used for essential oils.

The doorframe is primed! Next for the shelves!