Day 56/100

I spent the day with this little cutie and her mama – I’m so blessed!

I decided to add another challenge into my life on an alternate website. A 30 day purge challenge. Clear the clutter challenge. Learn to let go challenge….

So I spent a good chunk of the evening trying to set up the website – without success. I’m hoping I’ll have better luck now that I’ve installed updates on my computer – what that has to do with anything I’m not sure but fingers crossed.

While my computer was updating I found a book page that had a watermark doodle through the center. I got out a micron pen, did some tracing and added a couple of basic lotus flowers on the top and bottom.

Day 38/100 Blue Doodles

I came across a beautiful blue pen in my stash today – no clue where it came from but it sure draws smoothly!

I wasn’t sure what to draw and was hoping it would come to me after I drew the circles but it stopped talking to me…

So I did a little landscape doodle.

It didn’t turn out like I planned but that’s okay.