Day 57/100 Mandala

wip mandala

My go to when I’m having a hard time with a project – especially a tech project is a mandala.

It’s easy on the mind to make the lines – I’m really happy with how this is looking. It definitely will get some shading at some point!

Websites are a pain in the butt – my difficult project. I don’t know what I’ve done but somehow I can only get in using a random login and password…computer generated, which means it’s not easily memorized.

And I can’t add photos from my phone…everything is much more time consuming this way.

I did get another challenge going at though. A 30 day Challenge to help me learn to let go of some of my stuff. Day one today! At the end of the challenge I will be 465 items lighter – I’m excited about it!

Day 56/100

I spent the day with this little cutie and her mama – I’m so blessed!

I decided to add another challenge into my life on an alternate website. A 30 day purge challenge. Clear the clutter challenge. Learn to let go challenge….

So I spent a good chunk of the evening trying to set up the website – without success. I’m hoping I’ll have better luck now that I’ve installed updates on my computer – what that has to do with anything I’m not sure but fingers crossed.

While my computer was updating I found a book page that had a watermark doodle through the center. I got out a micron pen, did some tracing and added a couple of basic lotus flowers on the top and bottom.