100 Days of Joyful Creativity –

September has always felt like a fresh start for me – maybe because I’ve spent the better part of my life in a school setting or because it’s my birth month, either way today felt like the day to start something big…

And since it’s also Labor day I’ve decided to birth 100 days of Joyful Creativity.

AND 100 days feel like A LOT of days!!

It’s not a new challenge, I’ve heard about it for quite awhile, but knowing myself quite well (since I’m hedging upon my 57th birthday!) my first thought has always been “I don’t think so!!”

But it’s time to shake things up, I’ve fallen hard off the creativity wagon for the last year or so. I’ve done a few little projects – collage, crochet, mandalas and a little wire bending but nothing consistent.

I know I feel better when I create but lately I’ve been more concerned with how good it will be. Gone are the days of playful creativity with no worries of how well it will turn out.

Is this because of all the amazing art I see on social media? Everyone’s highlight reel – without the explanation of the years it’s taken for them to become so talented? Or because they aren’t showing the shitty first drafts?

I promise that’s not going to happen here. The next 100 days is going to be full of bad art and craft projects and I’ll be MuckenAround with many different mediums because I just can’t decide what I want to do!

I’m making this pledge to myself – the joy will be had in the process, not the end product.

Day one – done! One blog post, one broken wire word!

P.S. I’d love some company! Maybe you want to start your own 100 day Joyful (insert your challenge) and let me know how it’s going! You can find me MuckenAround on Instagram and Facebook 🙂